6th Annual Dirty South Cup Call & Exhibition to a purely virtual platform.
The opening reception which was slated for April 3rd has been canceled, but we are working diligently to feature this amazing show in a new format for home-bound audiences. This show is many-months-in-the-making and it's an exceptional feature - over 160 entries and 85 selections have created a breathtaking lineup of artists, talent, and incredible cups this year! While we are heartbroken we can’t feature it in its physical form at the Arts Center, we are thankful this call is poised for an online exhibition. We will let the opportunity propel us into our first virtual showing ever! Once all 81 accepted entries are uploaded, we will share a link on our website and via social media channels in the hopes that cup lovers from Louisiana and throughout the world virtually tour this showing of ceramics excellence. Over 165 entries from all across the U.S. were received for this National Artists Call.
“If there were ever a show exceptionally well-suited for an online platform, it would be the Dirty South Cup Call & Exhibition,” says Rachael Dauzat, Executive Director at River Oaks. “We utilize an online adjudication system for entries into this National Call and have worked tirelessly with our industry partners to be able to deliver an online feature that can be viewed from mobile devices or with limited connectivity. It is my hope that this avenue bring some light and enjoyment into the lives of our patrons and ceramic enthusiasts everywhere.”
Our 2020 Dirty South Guest Juror is Deb Schwartzkopf, a Seattle based studio potter, instructor, author of Creative Pottery and owner of Rat City Studios (http://ratcitystudios.com). As a studio artist her goal is to make fabulous tableware that infuses life with purposeful beauty. The studio practice she has established provides a vehicle for her to continually learn about material, connect with community, and create intersections between ephemeral ideas and functional forms. The two-day workshop featuring Deb Schwartzkopf has been rescheduled for December 19 & 20.
Best in Show -- James Kelly “Mod Mug” - Denver, CO
5 - Jurors Choice Designations
Maddie Fowler “Mug” - Kalamazoo, MI
Stephen Ruby “Pink Arum Mug” - Oakland, CA
Jacob Meer “JMeer3" - Minneapolis, MN
Rebecca Lowery “Black and Vanilla Cup and Saucer” - Bloomington, IN
Caleb Zouhary “CZouhary3" - Chagrin Falls, OH
The show link will go live on Friday, April 3rd, the original opening date for the show.
Visit: www.RiverOaksVirtualExhibitions.com
The 2020 Dirty South Exhibition is sponsored by: GAEDA, The National Endowment for the Arts and the Louisiana Division of the Arts.